
Currently Available Scholarships:

  • Friends of Fullerton College Foundation

The Friends of Fullerton College foundation is committed to empowering students through community support and ensuring educational equity for all students. 

Visit the foundation’s website for available scholarship opportunities:


  • The Myrna Holmquist Communications Scholarship

Students pursuing a communications career are invited to apply for the Myrna Holmquist Communications Scholarship. Up to $10,000 in scholarships will be available and divided between final recipients. 

Scholarship Information

Scholarship Application

Application deadline: April 3, 2025 by 6PM

  • Keenan Insurance Scholarship Application

The Foundation for California Community Colleges (Foundation CCC) is pleased to announce the availability of the Keenan Insurance scholarship opportunity for CCC students! The Keenan Insurance Scholarship seeks to increase the diversity of professionals working within the insurance, risk management, and financial services industry by providing scholarships to underrepresented students at California Community Colleges. 


        • Scholarship preference shall be given to underrepresented students who are working towards a certificate or degree in insurance, risk management, financial services or a related field, such as business administration with a concentration in or focus on the insurance and benefits industry.
        • Applicants must be eligible for a California College Promise Grant or be experiencing other circumstances demonstrating financial need.
        • Applicants must be enrolled in and complete three (3) units each semester, or the quarter equivalent, in insurance, risk management, financial services, or related courses in order to be eligible to receive a scholarship.

Scholarship Application

Submit scholarship application to the Financial Aid Office in Building 100, Room 115 or email it directly to Josue Abarca at

Application deadline: October 30, 2025

  • NOCCCD Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Faculty Staff Association Scholarships 2025

The Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Faculty Staff Association (APIDA) seeks to recognize students who represent the spirit of APIDA through their academic accomplishments and personal commitment to their community, campus, and/or family. The Fullerton College APIDA scholarship of $300 will be awarded to a currently enrolled student in any field.


      • Be a currently enrolled student at Fullerton College.
      • Plan to finish a certificate in a Career Technical Education field OR earn an associate degree for the 2024-2025 academic year OR plan to be enrolled at least half-time at an accredited 4-year college or university in the next fall or spring term 
      • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 by the end of Fall 2024. (will be verified by the selection committee)

Note: If you attend multiple campuses in our district, such as NOCE or Cypress, you may only apply to one campus. Previous APIDA scholarship recipients are ineligible to re-apply. 

Scholarship Information & Instructions

Application deadline: April 11, 2025 at 5PM


* Our school delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.  Visit BankMobile Disbursements for more information or view our third-party services contract for refund management.

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